Wednesday 21 January 2015


Never loose sight of who you are leave alone the far you have come.At times I don't understand what the master of this great universe has in-stored for me.Don't get me wrong because I know he has sufficient grace to help me over come it but it is rather the process which at times tends to be so unfair, taking too long to get done and most of all when is my break through coming? I want answers for things I don't understand and I want results for ever unresolved issue, phase and circumstance.

For me friendship is worse than marriage. I have nothing against getting married or married people but its the commitment that just proves too overwhelming for me. In marriage you make vows before God and everyone else that until death. I wish people better yet I wish married people of my generation understood half of the vows they make before God. I choose you above all others meaning at one point and this is likely to happen, I will call or text my bestfriend not that it is not you but the other one to 'bitch' about you. Like it will hit me like seriously girl I woke up to find this creep in my bed and I was wondering if you know this guy. I tend to think that is what might happen.She will be like that is your husband. My what now? This old thing who snores assuming the one for me snores *giggles* .Wait, when did I get married? Who is this strange irritating man?Was I that high saying I do if I did say I do.

With friendship there are no witnesses required but if you ask me it feels more of an unpaid full time job. You never know when you will be"laid off" so you always have to be on your best behavior. Being loyal is a matter of common sense. I need not ask but I expect you to vouch for me regardless. More or less like family only you have  to have the other parties best interest at heart. Find a friend who is willing to celebrate you when you are lying down on the ground with nothing but a prayer to hold on to and you keep them for life. There are people who are in your life for a particular season and reason. Don't mix up the two. Just because you have already made it in you doesn't entitle you to act as if the people in your life should be up there with you. Success and greatness are two different things. Perhaps your friend was meant for greater things in life thus the long delay or is it wait.

My 2015 resolution or should I say words to live by," Don't dismiss me just yet". I know I may not look like perhaps because am fighting my demons ...we all have demons..... but the same way I wouldn't dismiss you then the least I expect is for you to give me a benefit of a doubt. Give people chances. Hear what they have to say even though you already know it is garbage but perhaps there could be something special underneath all that bull. I doubt but hey, you have nothing to loose by hearing them out. Besides the many times you have tried airing your side of a story but ended up being ignored how did that make you feel? Exactly don't act human be human.

This is by far my favorite blog I have done this year because somehow I know someone will do the right thing and a friendship will be rekindled. We all fight and argue and even say things that are less smart than we come off but that doesn't mean you meant to hurt that person.I heard somewhere that if you have done all you can do and said all you can to help someone but still they want to leave your life, let them. They will find what they are looking for and I guarantee you they will be back. Am I sure, how much are you willing to bet on it?Oh, they will be back but the question is, are they worth being taken back or allowing them to keep searching? You be the judge and remember what goes around comes back around. Do unto others what you would want to be done to you.

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