Monday 26 January 2015

Lady 28th January

Happy early birthday to me.Just one day to my birthday and am already feeling older and yet somehow it is just a few more days to Valentines Day.Forgive me but I am laughing my heart out. Reasons being I never know what to expect on both occasions. Everyone will be expecting me to dress up for my birthday while secretly I just wanted to stay indoors if it were not for work, I would have in a baggy old t-shirt preferably torn socks on and food in the house and just watch back to back series of One Tree Hill from season one. Don't even ask, yes I am that girl. I would have gone out and played basketball but I just want to be alone.My bestfriend is my complete opposite. She wants us to go on a vacation and celebrate the big two numbers *my new age* in style. I don't want to disappoint here but I would rather sleep in and wake up on the 29th...skip the 28th please. This has nothing to do with me being single or maybe it does. I feel like why should I spend so much on just a single day.Why not just go grab dinner if need be, get my hair done and perhaps purchase a pair or two of shoes.

As I mature,I am learning to be comfortable in my own company.I only have one female friend and that to me feels like alot because she has multiple personality not forgetting am a handful as well so 2015 the company of two will do well, until she settles down and forgets all about me then I will think of getting a cat *watching too many movies* Like why get a cat while you can get a Ferrari?Halo!? Or maybe I should be a part time life guard considering I neither party nor drink. Do you see just how boring my life is. Not entirely. I have an amazing family and out of this world friend so what more could a lady ask for whatever else God has to offer I guess.

I hate Valentines but like any other year I have nothing to look forward to but the usual to watch ladies being vulnerable and  men expecting a reward at the end of the day.Some will be proposed to, someone will be dumped, someone will bump into the one and someone will loose their life on this day.

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