Wednesday 14 January 2015

Happy New Year

It doesn't matter if the month is far gone but to me it still feels as though everything is new. So I will say it proudly, happy new year checkmates.This is where I skip the I am sorry I have been away speech hoping that this new year got you so wrapped up you hardly realized that I had not been blogging for a while. I will just say this, I was looking for inspiration which I got to say I have. I want to say and so I will go right ahead and say it, screw everyone who is always dismissing you without giving you the benefit of a doubt.I don't care if we are family or the supposed 'the one' if you doubt me then I don't see what else is left to tell each other. Please do let the door hit you on your way out and hard so that the pain will remind you of what you left behind. 

I am not always right, heck am ever right but when I am sure of something ...anything best believe it is bound to be true. Here is my take in life. Don't lie, there is no need to weigh your mind with worthless shenanigans while as you can express yourself with the truth only you make it juicy. I don't lie I just exaggerate.It doesn't make me a liar only interesting. Hey, someone has to tell the story so why not make mine worth your ears?

Like any other woman out there, I have weaknesses.If anything doesn't add up or if a thought of doubt creeps up, best believe I will not confront you. No sir! I am old fashioned. Too proud to show that am affected so I always do the honorable thing, I wait.Thank heavens for literacy so I tend to use my brains and hands instead of my words and feet.Damn right I snoop. It's not like you left me a choice here so I will go digging deep for any dirt in your past. They say if you want a job done you have to do it yourself so why waste my tears crying the issue out with friends who clearly knew what was going on and waste pretty good months if not years being mad at someone who is not worth a second thought.I figure if you were 'protective' as most men claim to not tell me the truth  then asking you for closure would be like waiting on it to snow in Kenya. Yeah, good luck with that.

Ladies, you want closer get the truth and not from him. He will take advantage of the fact that you are emotionally unstable and vulnerable and lure you back into the I must have done something wrong for him not to trust me mind zone.Don't just look beautiful act it even though you may not feel it.I always say the best revenge on anyone who doesn't like you is being successful. I might have given you something to laugh about but best believe you gave others something to stare at when you acted immature with me.Thank you by the way for making me look good. I owe you . That should be the mentality of anyone who has been betrayed in any manner. Like enough of zero in on the negative and grab the positivity of the situation and flaunt it.

Is this going to be a good year, well it all depends with your attitude. If you keep being negative, I don't see life shouldn't rob you of the good things ahead. You don't want it anyway. If you are like me and believe that this year took a long time coming and now that it is here, everyone better look out, welcome on board. This year I will not apologize for being successful leave alone act like I don't deserve it. We have to lay some ground rules though. No more pity parties. If people don't celebrate you then don't waste any more time trying to convince them or watching them always take center stage. Be the boss. Step up or stay down. If you have to shed tears let them be tears of joy while delivering a heartfelt speech of victory.No more dumb questions. Be wise. Get your facts straight and your priorities in order.Learn to ask the right question. Not why me blah blah blah? The why not me kind of questions. If it is happening to you God must have seen something in you that either has to go or is about to come in your life.

Last but not least, know that it is never what it seems. It is not what it looks like. A priceless final piece of advice is good ideas can be expensive. Who said expensive has anything to do with money. Like I said, unless you are certain, don't be quick to dismiss it yet. Some situations can be blessing in disguise but are you willing to pay the price because promises come with tests and trials. 

Happy New Year!

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