Tuesday 31 March 2015

Learn to adjust.

No matter how much you care about someone,you have to love them enough to allow them face their own demons(go through a certain phase in their lives) alone.Meanwhile the best support you can offer them is by secretly praying for them.Another way you can do that is loving them enough to assure them that by you distancing yourself from them doesn't mean you don't care but trust that they will use that to handle the situation sooner than later.I have come to accept that no matter how good and loyal you are you have to give people space to not only appreciate your presence but get on back on their feet all on their own.I can't want this for you if all you see is the ground.I can't keep believing in you if all you ever do is doubt yourself. You have got to want it bad enough all on your own.I need you to start seeing the greatness the people around you give you when they say the beautiful things they say about you.Understand I can't put my life on hold to help you live out that situation.I call you a friend for a reason.I see things that no one else sees ....I see you but it looks like you stare in the mirror but never see yourself.

When someone you care about is hurting,you end up hurting twice.One for you would love to change the situation but you can't and two they always end up making you feel like you failed them.As a true friend, when your friend is down somehow you find yourself in bad moods.It takes two to tangle even in friendships.If am succeeding you will succeed. Like I always tell myself, you attract who you are. If the kind of men or ladies you end up with never take you seriously it is because deep down you never take yourself serious.Not always the case but in most in my opinion.I am the over protective type of friend who only wants the best for those I care about.So even when you are going through a tough time, I want to step in and save the day be it through cracking a joke, encouraging or just whispering a prayer.But I have learnt that the minute you not nag someone to tell you what is going on (give them space) they come up ontop of things better and not bitter.Every situation is supposed to teach you a lesson and by saving you it means you will never learn and will always expect a helping hand.

Space and time is not supposed to break you but grow and toughen you up in a mature way.It equips you in ways only a wise man can understand.Information is power but experience roots wisdom. Learn to Adjust.

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