Friday 8 May 2015


No one understands what one goes through or half the things you are forced to digest.The sacrifices you make even when you don't feel like being there for anyone but you still do anyway because that is who you are.You always have to put a brave face on and act like nothing ever bothers you when deep down you just want to scream in the middle of nowhere and exhale.The things that keep you going are the far you have come, the loved ones in your life and the God given promises. We and by mean I , I hold on to a little faith. It's not much but it gets me hoping again.

I am anti bullying. Watching people look down on others just because they assume they have more power over you or basically have been made to believe that indeed they are better than you. That is the kind that I always whisper to myself ," practically another life wasted on an ungrateful human being". It almost makes me want to visit a grave yard and see all the hopeful lifeless bodies lying on the ground.People who had so much to offer yet robbed of life. Bullies bring out the worst in me. The minute they make you question if being good pays off because to be honest being bad is a free pass for them.They always do what they want and in most cases get away with it. Unfair but that is one way to look at it.

The thing about bullies is they are always fake. Trying to live out their lives through others. They have to sound convincing otherwise they are irrelevant. They feed on lies and give lies. They are parasites who creep in on unaware victims for they offer you a sense of security. Bullies are always available. Heck even real friends don't show up at times but bullies are always there crushing the parties, making plans and are always busy doing nothing. Bullies are never sober. How can they when reality reminds them of the ugly truth? So any day is beer day.

I don't know how you can survive a bully but all I know is the minute you identify them, expect nothing good. My advise ," act the fool with them"Don't  entertainment nor allow them intimidate you because that is all they are after, instilling fear. Don't run. Running away has never solved anything instead face them boldly and let them know that you not only mean business but are here to stay.They are smart but you are not the one drunk in the illusion of being someone else so that makes you even smarter. Bullies are petty and sad. That is all they are ever good at. Trying to fit in someone elses shoes. Try walking in your own shoes if you can dear one.

 What you are doing is not intimidating but its called bullying and it has to stop. Bullying has to stop now!!!

That is my 6:16 #RealityCheck

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