Friday 29 May 2015

Learning the art of listening

Ladies, we all suffer from one serious disease. We only talk when we want to and not when we are supposed to. Take for instance back when I was in a relationship, my ex would practically beg me to converse with him but due to my self made range although at times it was necessary I would go all silent. Like I had nothing to say which was a lie because anyone who knows me am not speaking on behalf of other ladies after all we all have different personalities and characters so am the kind that has a conversation with you in my mind first then counter your words reason being I already assume I know what you already want to say. 
Old habits I know. I guess that is most men avoid arguments. They already saw this coming so instead of their egos being bruised they would rather not show up at all. No one is to blame but ourselves ladies. 

So am vowing to adopt this new trait called listening. I have worked on being patient rather God has put me in my place. That is how most of us have ruined it for ourselves ladies. We hear but we don't listen. Don't go asking your female friends what they think you should do although their opinion counts but at the end of the day guess who endured the consequences you and only you. Like I said learn to listen. 

The only person who has pretty much most of the answers is that man that you are not willing to give a second thought when all you do is breathe steam in and fire out. Enough of the diary of the black mad woman incase you haven't noticed you were never the main character. 

Earth to us ladies and a harsh reality check, while you are busy not paying attention,another is busy spending his money. Gee, I wonder why? Because she listens to him. Even though you feel like pinching the skin off his flesh rush to the bathroom and clear your head. Have a moment or two, calm yourself down by asking yourself this, you see a future with this man? Is he worth it? If so, then you need to get your act together and listen keenly to what this man is trying to communicate. If not don't be mad when you see him replace you with that so called, "home wrecker" . How did she break something that was already broken? How do you fight for a man who is not there with you yet? 

To all the men I have not heard before, am sorry I was wrapped up in my own ego to even pick up the phone to text a simple halo leave alone am sorry. 

Now I not only see you but am ready to hear, listen and learn. Baby steps 🐾

That is my #RealityCheck 

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