Wednesday 13 May 2015


I have invented perhaps not an original thought but I am taking this new challenge on. #YourThreeOnThree  #RealityCheck. If you are a guy ask your female friends three words that best describe you and if you are a lady ask three men for three words that best describe you.Then be honest with yourself and take a long hard look in the mirror then write down three words that best describe what you see when you look in the mirror.

If you are single then that is what most men think and see ad far as you go so either its a good thing that raises the bar or explains why you never keep a relationship more that three months or as soon as you *give it up or give in* the man/men never stick around.

If you are taken that is what the rest of society sees and expects and what sadly or luckily your 'better half' sees.In other words that is what you have been attracting. That should explain why if you are female,ladies have been giving you a hard time as far as your relationship goes and if a man other men have been treating you as far as your girlfriend goes.

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