Thursday 5 November 2015

Continuous Reality

Am slowly forgetting and slowly adapting. It is a slow process but am getting by. Having to forget someone who meant something to your thoughts and heart is hard but when you allow yourself accept that if that amazing experience happened, what of the real deal? 

It is easier to complain and view life as a loss like you having to always loose something or someone in the process but think of someone who has never experienced that little amount of happiness. That they would gladly trade their lives to have just a moment of laughter and not just to laugh at a joke but laughing at the fact tha it has happened to them. 

I am not always positive about what life unfolds but when I get a chance to encourage or share I never shy away. Guess what yes I took a chance and it was something I thought was more of a fantasy than reality *that good* but then that season is over. 

I always find myself talking to my season like you were amazing and appreciate every lesson, memory and for this very moment but I can't be stuck hoping it never ends. So in the borrows words of Christian Grey, "laters baby". 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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