Thursday 19 November 2015

Later on

It's going to hurt but I will thank myself later on.
I will be tempted to buy myself a bottle of red wine to drain away my sorrow but I will thank myself tomorrow
I might even be tempted to twerk the pain away but as I walk to work I will thank myself later on
It feels as though the world is always expecting more but even with less I find myself thanking myself later on

I will not compromise because I know what I have been promised later on is worth the wait, my fate and faith.
The process leaves me feeling as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel because am already on the highway on my way to a better later on
Being strong at times means having to admit that even though am not okay as of now but later on I will be

The only shame is not living up to your God given name
Live in the moment because later on that is all you will have a quick moment
Memories, afew regrets, what if , if only and finally life goes on
If you gave your all, it will pay off later on

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