Sunday 15 November 2015

Living a thankful life

It's not everyday that you wake up and you hear those words," live a thankful life". There is always something to be thankful about so as I write this, am doing some soul searching and come to the conclusion that I have so much to be thankful for. This far it has been the mercies and Grace of God. From "am pregnant" to "this is my last born little baby girl". It has been an overwhelming journey with endless self taught lessons and some amazing memories.

2015 has not been the sunshine but who is to say it has not been? I have danced, cried, laughed, gone a little mad inside , made poor, better and bigger decisions that have grown me as a human being and a lady. Life isn't about discovering yourself but understanding what every phase has been about. I know better and I understand myself in a new light. I don't have to be celebrated to feel special because am already special in my own imperfections *I like that*

What is life without afew hiccups? What is life without faith?  What is life without God? Empty! Today am thankful for my past, my present and what is yet to come. living in the moment with a grateful heart.

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