Friday 25 December 2015

My poetry gallery

Everyone knows of Art gallery but what if there was a poetry gallery. A picture says a thousand words but what of framing what the heart feels through words?

In my mind this very morning I just opened a poetry gallery. There you will get to read what I was feeling at the moment for it has the date and time included. It looks like an Art gallery but it is nothing close to it. I can already see the guests I have invited people who share the same passion or even more. Curious young couples and older couples. Talented single people and only invited media.

I haven't decided yet where to place the open bar in my studio but there is nothing more poetic than talking and listening to live poetry with jazz playing . There is nothing I love the most than watching two people falling inlove. Knowing that they have a story separately and together. The fear of being vulnerable enough to let someone in and allowing them to teach you how to love them. To me that is one pricesless gift. Unwrapping the unknown. Being given the power and choosing not to use it. Trusting enough to let yourself feel whatever you feel and most importantly, allowing someone else love you and accepting that love.

And that is my #RealityCheck 

Monday 14 December 2015

We have all been there

We have all been there! Haven't we all. Been so taken by someone that you felt as though secretly you were going insane . Especially someone different . Someone with unimaginable traits that only your heart knows that end up awakening your soul. I can only share from a female perspective although am sure the male one would be juicy. 

You just want to look good for him. Not dress code wise as much but fitness wise you want to be at your best. You always want to be smart not to sexy or laid back but professional with a you twist to the latest trend. You find yourself less guarded incase you chase him away or appear unkind in the presence of others. It's too much work to be honest. 

The part I love the most is the unknown. Ask me out already because I know just the outfit to wear and then he doesn't *laughs* when your thoughts disappoint your eyes, you tend to go back to your usual self and that is when the magic happens. Out of nowhere he texts, calls or shows up. 

Falling for someone is easy especially when you find yourself in denial and everyone else can see it. No he is just a cool guy or us guys are good friends or even worse we understand each other . 

I only hate that I cannot control how I feel because it ends up betraying me and I hate am so happy even if it's for a day, it feels more like a lifetime.

So yes, we have all been there and that is  a #RealityCheck

Friday 11 December 2015

Dear heart, why him?

Out of all the men in this world and I have only met afew, why is it that my heart only wants this one man. Most importantly am the one with the eyes so tell me, what do you see in him that the rest of me doesn't? My mind and eyes agree that this time you are wrong but still you insist of beating for this particular man. 

I wish I knew what you know then I would be confident enough to stand and say yes, it's him. We have not even explored other options internationally so how can you be sure? I am at war with myself. Reality and even the facts are against you but still you are determined to go on. No wonder they call you are a bloody organ because you fight dirty. 

My heart is more stubborn than a new born. Your diaper is changed, fed you, soothed you to sleep but still here you are acting up. 19more days to figure out because come 2016 this has to stop. Beat all you want, bleed all you can but come new year you better have it all figured out. 

Or maybe am the one who is blind #RealityCheck 

Wednesday 9 December 2015

The Bachelor Van

Married women and young hopeful ladies GAME OVER! I attended the well thought out car event and to be honest #soundfestea is my kind of event. I am talking about cars, music and the power of the bass. That is how I unfortunately became careless and cracked the screen on my phone. Now everyone thinks am not only irresponsible but a fish otherwise if beer didn't get me into some club or girl fight how else would I explain myself? The good news is that I don't have to considering it's the festive season.

The ultimate man cave on wheels has ruined the illusion of ever getting that man to comit. Think with me here ladies. If a legible or married young man is willing to spend half a million to pimp out his ride or more to purchase his dream car what makes you think he will not invest more on this new must have "boy toy?" I am not against it don't get me wrong if anything for a split second I wished I was a man but the logic behind it is what got me thinking that there is no way in hell any Kenyan man will trade in this yet to adopt behaviour for a random weekend , the same old road trip to Naivasha and make believe sham of a marriage. #RealityCheck

Ladies, you must be all sorts of amazing for this dreamy man to forgo the car and put a ring on that well reserved finger *giggles*. The bachelor van has it all and I can tell you one thing it's missing, his annoying friends. The ones who walk out every time you walk in, fake phone calls to appear important, the single ones who try to be the life of the party and somehow we can never get them out of the picture.

The bachelor van has a play station,  a pool table depending on your man's little bad habits, mini bar, a confortable couch or bed if he wishes to take his new home seriously and get this, he can even prepare his own meals *ouch*. There are ladies who are genuinely into sports and those who have mastered the art of forcing fate through sports but for a man going the extra mile to create a bachelor van, I smell rather I see where they are indirectly driving at.

So you moved in and he now feels as though you are chocking every breath in him because you are always there. What is done is done. He has tried suggesting you look for your own place but you are pulling a selective amnesia and now hearing. He feels guilty for having misled you for so long. You have  pulled every trick in the book to keep him interested. So now he is moving out and moving in the one place he knows you can never agree to turn into "our home" his car. So the next time you throw him out for being unfaithful or suspect him for bad behaviour and he says he is going to sleep in his car kiss that man goodbye.

And that is my bachelor van #RealityCheck