Friday 25 December 2015

My poetry gallery

Everyone knows of Art gallery but what if there was a poetry gallery. A picture says a thousand words but what of framing what the heart feels through words?

In my mind this very morning I just opened a poetry gallery. There you will get to read what I was feeling at the moment for it has the date and time included. It looks like an Art gallery but it is nothing close to it. I can already see the guests I have invited people who share the same passion or even more. Curious young couples and older couples. Talented single people and only invited media.

I haven't decided yet where to place the open bar in my studio but there is nothing more poetic than talking and listening to live poetry with jazz playing . There is nothing I love the most than watching two people falling inlove. Knowing that they have a story separately and together. The fear of being vulnerable enough to let someone in and allowing them to teach you how to love them. To me that is one pricesless gift. Unwrapping the unknown. Being given the power and choosing not to use it. Trusting enough to let yourself feel whatever you feel and most importantly, allowing someone else love you and accepting that love.

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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