Monday 14 December 2015

We have all been there

We have all been there! Haven't we all. Been so taken by someone that you felt as though secretly you were going insane . Especially someone different . Someone with unimaginable traits that only your heart knows that end up awakening your soul. I can only share from a female perspective although am sure the male one would be juicy. 

You just want to look good for him. Not dress code wise as much but fitness wise you want to be at your best. You always want to be smart not to sexy or laid back but professional with a you twist to the latest trend. You find yourself less guarded incase you chase him away or appear unkind in the presence of others. It's too much work to be honest. 

The part I love the most is the unknown. Ask me out already because I know just the outfit to wear and then he doesn't *laughs* when your thoughts disappoint your eyes, you tend to go back to your usual self and that is when the magic happens. Out of nowhere he texts, calls or shows up. 

Falling for someone is easy especially when you find yourself in denial and everyone else can see it. No he is just a cool guy or us guys are good friends or even worse we understand each other . 

I only hate that I cannot control how I feel because it ends up betraying me and I hate am so happy even if it's for a day, it feels more like a lifetime.

So yes, we have all been there and that is  a #RealityCheck

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