Friday 1 July 2016

The ignorant modern day man

Just having to write this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Ignorant modern day man is one who still reasons like all his life he has lived in a cave. I am not mad, am mad as hell. What is this hatred that certain men have towards women?

In my humble opinion you would make a good brand ambassador for an askhole. Sir you are not dumb but ignorant which makes it worse. Thanks to this sponsorship mentality most men not all are starting to act as though this great nation needs them. Pardon my honesty but aren't we supposed to praise and worship God and not man?

I think these men are suffering from mid life crisis. Correct me if am wrong but I know majority of them were born and raised in average homes or worse and now that they have succeeded they feel owed but my big question is by who society, women or God? Listen, not every woman is interested in your achievements and few coins *lets be honest it's local currency not wealth*. If you have issues with the females in your life spare the rest of us your foolishness. Handle your personal life the way you handle your business by communicating with the relevant parties involved if there is a misunderstanding and stop taking it out on good women.

Does that make me less of a lady or romantic towards good men out there, not at all. If anything am inspired to appreciate and applaud them. We all have demons but when a man starts acting like a bitter woman that is where I draw the line and I answer back with my #RealityCheck

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