Monday 25 July 2016

The Last Monday Of July 2016

I had my life all figured out. After completing my high school education I would study British Law , graduate with honors leave this country , start life in a foreign country , work on my identity there as one of the best criminal lawyer and fall helplessly inlove with my dream man when working on one of the cases as the presiding judge. Wait did I mention I would be driving my custom-made dream car. That was the dream. But that is all it was a dream.

Reality can be brutal. Living life in my early twenties I always knew that my day would come. Sadly each year brought with it different demons. The hallelujah turned into God is good and from there the amen slowly faded into whispers and finally I became Sarah. My laugher was bigger than my frustrations. When I heard people say God is good I smiled on the outside though on the inside I knew that he was only good to them not me.

We have all had this moment in life where at a certain point you stop living and start surviving. You just want to live today and not think about tomorrow leave alone the future. When you are around your peers all you could think about was who is better than who. But the beauty that comes with maturity and being secure enough in your own skin, you realize it's not a competition but my journey. Sure I had a dream and it didn't look up but who said I couldn't or can't dream again? It's not easy I understand having laid down on the ground for a while but if we all give up then what? We all wait to die? Come on!

For those of you who have never had the chance to know what it's like to have credentials and people turn you down especially this new young generation I don't envy you. I am happy for you but I don't admire you. Initially your charm will run out and someone younger and more beautiful or handsome will replace you so good luck with that.  You may be in your early or late  twenties and still everything in your life looks dead. Don't lose hope. Take heart. Look at it this way darling, you were not ready for that success. Think about it, with those kinds of friends you used to hang out with, do you think you would still be employed? Besides I heard thirty is the new twenty. 

Big deal you are still single and headed forty. Who said by that age you should be someone's mother or father? Screw society. Now that you are fifty and everyone is expecting you to have your shit together so what? Be the next Oprah. What's your point? Am glad you asked. My point is we all have the same dreams but different timings and blessings. Just because your old man or lady figured life out ealier on in life doesn't mean you don't deserve the family name. You are not the black sheep of the family. Or maybe you are and that is what makes you stand out. You don't have to go down the same path everyone else goes through to make it to the other side of life. You would be a fool to think am encouraging you to cheat your way there but own it. Own your flaws and strengths , stop making excuses and press on. We still have five months to go so make the most of this year. And that is my #RealityCheck

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