Tuesday 16 May 2017

21 Days .....Day 2

Sure I missed Clark Kent but what's the need of you being superman if you can't use your superpowers. Had to handle afew emergencies. What is a girl supposed to do when all eyes are on her yet all she knows is the show has, MUST go on? It was not a good day but it never is I mean isn't that what humans call growing up! When something is that personal even a strong tomboy like myself finds herself helplessly emotional on the inside in need of rescuing.

Having to hide the fear in my tone while making everyone around me be brave is a gift. Sometimes, I just want to be normal but then again I am my mother's daughter so there is no room for showing any weakness especially in public. I guess it explains why no matter how bad I want you, I end up proving that I don't need you.

See Clark, I have mastered and perfected my silence. I just observe (keep my distance) , listen to evidence (words) and watch the truth (body language). So don't mistake my silence for naivety or not having a voice. So forgive me if the superman in you doesn't get to save me because am not looking to be found by a life partner or just another man but what I seek is inspiration. Don't get me wrong, you already are my HERO. I need to know the real you first past your titles , with your titles and if I still find that my heart beats faster than my mind can shade up a sarcasm then there is something there.

I need to be sure that I can still be myself even with you in the picture. I don't want to mistake the blue sky with grey clouds hiding the moon and stars. I am patiently waiting for my soulmate so I can't cheat my way there or compromise trying to play someone else's role. Life is not too short rather everyone else is in a bloody hurry to add time to life by trying to live it up. There is nothing wrong with slowing down because I assure you different is mind blowing.

Yesterday's #RealityCheck

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