Tuesday 9 May 2017

When you find it......

I now fully understand what my bestfriend is always talking about when she says that she would rather live inlove with the man of her dreams for one day than settle for just any male figure twenty years down the line unhappy. After watching the notebook movie four times I saw it. True love. It doesn't break my heart to watch people settle down too fast or not wanting more out of their relationships but what drives me crazy are the reasons why they got together in the first place and the "I never saw that coming" excuses.

In the words of a very wise lady, pardon my honesty but your age doesn't allow you to tolerate certain shenanigans. You ought to know better by now now that you accepted to be in certain compromising situations. Sure your friends influenced you but at the end of the day who made that decision? Exactly. You weren't complaining when the good times lasted so why do you want us to feel sorry for you now that times have changed? Allow me to go further and say that you are very greedy. You want the package and for society to sympathise!

Live but most importantly live in the moment. If you find what you want then work hard to not only get but maintain it. It's a process. You won't meet today and get married tomorrow. Love is a job which most assume is effortless. Keep the romance alive but most importantly build and focus on God. As the good book says love is patient and  kind. Don't just love , fall inlove.  And that is my #RealityCheck . Have yourselves a warm, calm night full of hope, humility and love checkmates.

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