Sunday 14 May 2017

The Power Of A Broken Heart .....21 Days ...Day 1

Dear God,
I have been here so many times but this time it's different. This is my heartfelt letter to you regarding someone's son. I know the power of a prayerful woman.I also believe in offering a broken heart as a sacrifice to gain honor from you in the case where one party has been unfairly treated and the other has taken advantage ,gone a step further to become greedily ungrateful. There is nothing wrong with such a man but his intentions and motives were just not right.

You know my heart better than anyone on the face of the earth no matter how many times they try and understand . I am a good lady. You know my weaknesses being human am bound to do better or worse in any given situation. Today am asking you to work on the best thing which makes the rest of my organs function. My heart. There is a reason why it's called a bloody organ as it hurts in ways I feel every inch of my body and soul slowing dying.

I believe in second and not just that but you are a merciful God so you grant selfless chances regardless of whether it's well deserved or not. I also believe in compensation. When you close one door being such a loving father and gentleman you open another. Even when it seems like it's the end of the road.

Tonight My King, I honor you for always standing with and by me even when sometimes it felt like you were allowing the wrong man try and break my faith in you. When I look back now, I knew he was the right man for the job. He had to frustrate me enough to need you more. He had to be unreliable for me to rely on you. I offered my brokenness and asked you to compensate me according to my hand written note which you answered. I wrote a note in faith and when God answered it took me by surprise. It was a long painful process. Even in tears and torn apart I was determined to win you over with my dedication and what was left of my faith. I gave it evetything I had. It's not like I doubted God, I just didn't expect to be honored. I simply didn't feel like I deserved it but it came true. I am still speechless like it happened. It really did. Faith moves mountains especially if your heart is right and blameless before God. When you open up to God, He will entrust you with things and people who you thought were far out of reach. The power of a broken heart. You can use the pain to grow and move God or stay bitter and blame God.

Day 1.
Thank you for my answered prayer. I pray that you teach him how to love you and himself first. To accept what he can and can't. To trust you and himself in the process. The same way you sent angels my way, use your unique ways for him to know that he is not alone. He is special to me so I give him back to you to work on him until you feel he is ready to be out there. Be his father, his friend and pillar. He needs you a little more tonight and since I can't be there for him, please dad watch over him and let him be the man my heart tells me he is. Greatness awaits him in ways only you can unfold each day. Be his guide.  Keep him safe. Guard his heart and let his head rely on you and not facts and fiction. I am a living testimony so I know what you saw and still see in me, you can do the same for this son of a woman. Reward his mother for not just raising a man but a gentleman. He is not perfect as a matter of fact he is lacking in ways only you can mend and meet those needs.

Thank you for being God above all other things.

Yours Loving,
The daughter who calls this my #RealityCheck
A friend Of God.

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