Saturday 5 January 2019

Its 2019 yet people have given up on love

People have given up on love but not me though. I am out here not only swimming but doing backstroke moves in my own madness. A party of one please! Thank you. Happy new year checkmates. 2019 is a year full of love. As have been the years before and years after but there is some magic for those crazy enough to believe it. What are my resolutions?  To be alive, stay alive and live like I am alive. It's a three kind of affair for me.

As we unwrap this marvellous year, there are moments I will share on social media. One it's not what I am saying  but rather two it's why I am saying it that matters. It's a year full of untold mysteries and game changing puzzles. I ushered in this year inlove. Everything about me feels so warm and welcoming. I am open to all possibilities this life has to offer. I have known myself to be a soul kind of lady but this year I go deeper. Most will confuse my confidence with arrogance. If it's not in line with my happiness it deserves my silence.

Listen with your eyes. Only the brave will work to keep it. My song 2019 happens to be by one talented man by the name Musiq Soulchild ~ yes  . The entire song leaves me feeling so vunrable  so let me share some of my favourite lines PEOPLE DON'T STICK AROUND,  BUILD YOU UP THEN LET YOU DOWN , I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU HAVE BEEN BURNED , HONESTY IS WHAT YOU DESERVE,  SO THAT'S WHAT I AM GIVING YOU ..... SO WHEN THE WORLD AND THE ODDS ARE AGAINST US , YOU WON'T HAVE TO QUESTION. .......CAUSE I AM MORE ATTRACTED TO WHAT'S INSIDE OF YOU, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GUESS, THE ANSWER IS YES.

Words have power. Those above leave me feeling both empowered and humble. Why are people giving up so easily? Is it because what they want doesn't exist or they are simply settling for what they have come across? Why!? You cannot change another human being unless they are willing to change on their own.  Listen, you have it. You have always had it but you have been trying to convince the wrong people. You are an ocean but you have been living as if you are a pothole praying for it rain , waiting to be filled.

Some of you this year will need to be reminded of how amazing you are without you even trying too hard. You are hilarious. What you say makes perfect sense. If you must fail to get over that fear then by all means fail but don't postpone that dream any longer. Don't complain if you are not going to do anything different about it. Some of you need to divorce and break up with social media and go work and fix your personal lives. Don't just say you are someone's friend this year be a true friend. I will not like your instagram pictures not because I am jealous of your new car instead I will dive into your DM and ask the brutal questions? I saw you new car, congratulations but I saw something more which drew my attention...... Why are that sad? The reason why I used the example of a car is because I love cars.

Live your truth ladies and gentlemen.

Be bold 2019.

Ladies, don't be afraid to ask for what you want. Baibee am not saying you have drained what's left of my youth but what are your intentions with me this year? Some of you could be waiting just to end up being a stepping stone or worse a helper to the one *laughing sheepishly* true story. Gentlemen,  I am not a man but I have dated and have brothers as well as male friends so please don't say you want a decent lady while your out there warming your manhood in any available open hole like respect yourself. This is not hip-hop so stop hopping around grasshopper.

No amount of success, connection or wealth can buy back health and life. All your life you have been a life is too short and YOLO for the last ten years. Same song different partner. Same strategy with worse results. Forget your titles and influence on social media, who is the real you? Are you using the avenues you have been given to compensate what the basic you lacks in reality? Do yourself a favour this year, choose yourself.

This is how to test if you are happy on your own. Are you doing what everyone else is doing or are you so wrapped up in your own world everyone else wants in on the action? Everyone is the boss of their life but how authentic are you? Before you like or retweet ask yourself this, "Does this reflect who I am or am I hoping to attract what I am after?". 2019 let this be your #RealityCheck. 

Enjoy the rest of your year checkmates.

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