Saturday 19 January 2019

Everyone has their own opinion

This year I faced my biggest fear. I went to see a dermatologist after several years of self observations, trial and fails. The only reason why the thought never crossed my mind was because of HOUSE..... the series. Listen I was never to go in having whatever it is say simple menstrual pimples on my face only for the doctor to be like ,"How are you even alive?". *sarcastic side eye*

When I say I am not loyal to products I mean exactly that. I will use anything and everything as long as it is expensive and smells good. They say cleanliness is next to godliness so far that's my excuse to purchase more than I actually need. So does that mean all I have to survive on is carrots and water? *laughing it off* ofcourse not silly. Although I have to be in a serious relationship with water.

I blogged this a while back, but I don't understand influencers on social media who very well know that they are out to make quick money yet mislead naive victims like the younger me to use make up to get clearer results. What a fool I was. Such desperation . Thank God my face didn't blow up. Everyday my bestfriend keeps reminding me of that sad day I kept telling her "zinaisha " Kiswahili for "clearing."

This blog is to remind myself that no matter who says rather swears by any given product unless I have tried it on my own and I consult from a professional, I will never buy into social media hype. The same goes for the posts and pictures online. Unless I know you personally or its officially on Google "acha" that is Kikuyu a very romantic language though the word means NO in English.   *smiles*

Listen,this is my argument. If you can afford an expensive beauty product, you can sacrifice the same amount to go consult a doctor regarding the same. Don't be blinded by quick results only to suffer later on. Take time on yourself and understand your entire being. There is an important legal principle that says ,"ignorance of the law is no excuse. " I had to quote it reason being it serves as a #RealityCheck

Oh, how am I doing so far? Good things come to those who wait. It's a process and yes there is progress. Everyone has their own opinion

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