Wednesday 16 January 2019

The ten year challenge got me thinking....

This being my birthday month, ofcourse it's a big deal considering I have so much to celebrate. The ten year challenge got me thinking. I thought I had it all figured out. It was pretty simple,  I would land a job as a stewardess, earn way more as the years progressed, fall inlove with the pilot, drift apart go back to school and study law in UK, be a well renowned criminal lawyer, become the most sort after Bachelorette , break afew hearts here and there , settle for a better male version of myself, outgrow his love, advance to becoming a judge, quit after five years then finally leave it all behind to become a relationship counsellor. So, where was God in all this?

It's good to dream heck I dream need I add daydream all the time but from the now me, the evolving, maturing because I still have so much to learn, accept and let go of, it looks like my priorities were fudged up big time. I lived life acting like God was my PA.  He had to make it happen.  So you know what He gave me instead, brokenness. He had to break me because part of growing requires humility. You don't get to choose your blessing, baby He does. It being cute and all, it would have served the wrong purpose. I now know it.

It didn't stop me from dreaming. As a matter of fact He had to get me to a point where He does entrust me for his will to be done in mylife. Getting God to trust you is like no friendship I have ever encountered. It's not for the weak at heart. I can write rather hire someone to write a book on my behalf on that alone and it would be a best seller.

I am a living testimony 2019 because those ten years have forced me to stay when all I prayed for was to leave. I have learnt so much that half the time I think I sound like a broken record repeating myself. It's not for others though, it has been a #DaddyDaughterAdventure.  Alone it's impossible. If you could have told me ten years from now I would be happily single I would have opted for the easy way out. Don't get it twisted I would be dead and forgotten.

The top lesson in mind as I blog has to be patience. I blush at the very thought of what awaits.  If this is what ten years does to my soul what of twenty more? * pauses and thinks* I will be graceful and wise beyond my years. That is a beautiful vision. I can already see myself walking at night on my well lit driveway admiring the trees with a warm shawl wrapped round me like a baby and in almost a whisper asking God, "How did we get here?" Laughter follows.

Ten years! I finally understand. When you stop chasing things and chase God instead, YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF. The person you get to fall inlove with each passing day, pleased to introduce to others while learning in the process. There is nothing wrong with wanting a better life and lifestyle but it's your intentions that move God to either bring it to pass or change you for the best to come. Now that is what a call a #RealityCheck.

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