Monday 18 February 2019

Be the last

In a world full of lust, I just want to be the last. Being first only means you are ahead but it doesn't guarantee of getting there. It's a stepping stone but not the final destination. Excuse my God if HE intentionally takes his time when it comes to his daughter because I am not only a fragile masterpiece but an exceptional handful. When you are friends with someone there is that loyalty and trust that comes naturally so believe me when I say, I have been less of a friend because I have doubted the process and haven't represented our friendship in a humanly envious way.

There is a difference between people worrying on your behalf and them ruling you out. That's why when I walk in a room I am no longer offended when people stare. If anything, they should.   Listen, if you have to announce your arrival or make your presence known, baibee you are in the wrong room and might I add, wrong crowd. Greatness doesn't shout, it's immediately identified. It's like an electric shock. I will not even expound on that, only the wise will get it.

I am at the last stage. While everyone else is rushing to set the pace, I am taking a step back. You will not miss any detail because the true colours of people only show when the norm fails or in this special case succeeds. I would rather fail miserably than wait for the right time, day or year to end up showcasing my foolishness all in the name of fear.

As I mature, I am now aware of how important grace is and it only comes with perseverance. There are certain values one should never expect from certain individuals. If your reasoning from  then and now is no different, are we not allowed to accept that this is who you truly are and not expect more?

This year, I am embracing people as they are. Don't miss out an opportunity trying to act less than smart. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't grow you. If you don't work hard for it, you will easily give it up. Opportunities are everywhere so instead of fighting for the same old spotlight with a I will do better mentality, do what comes to you effortlessly and maybe then, you will have an audience of people who get you.

Find your rythem. God's timing is the best. Don't be in a hurry just because you are last to get in the game be it work or relationship. Why would you want to be the reason someone cries to God every night while they could be thanking him for bringing you at the last minute? What makes a movie is not how they meet in the beginning and fall madly inlove but how they fight and find a way into each others arms and lives once again.

You could have had a rough childhood but don't allow that to define your end. You can change all that because your story is not written off because the good book says the last shall be the first and the first last for many be called but few chosen.There will always be someone who will not agree with you and someone who will value your opinion.

There is nothing wrong with being last and this is my #RealityCheck.

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