Thursday 21 February 2019

From bread crumbs to highly favored

I have a feeling God is about to change my status from *cricket sound*  to that of a fountain. From lack to plenty. From checking my account balance to owning several banks. And all the doubters and critics fall down laughing. Very good. Consider this my pre speech.

I usually refer to God as a one second kind of King.  He comes through just before I am able to process a thought. I would like to take this opportunity not to thank the people who have encouraged me but spread the encouragement to someone else out there.

So, when did I get my big break you may ask? I didn't. ...rather I haven't because it's not based on what you term as a big break. I have always had a big ego if that helps. There are those few who walk around knowing all they have to do is make that phone call and fortunately am not one of them. To me I always look at negativity as a hidden opportunity to push myself further. Sure, I have had afew yes along my journey but that didn't excite me the way being told no or worse being brushed aside gave me life. I thrive off the word no.

Wake up each day knowing no one owes you anything and only God can pay you back.  That way you will stop expecting so much from man and relying entirely on God. Please for those of you who will be in my very same shoes or even worse and feel like if only I can reach out to this lady, my life will change because in a way she understands, please don't.  This is me shedding some wisdom that as I harvest some of you will be planting. Different seasons.  Everything is a process. Where I can, I will help and where I can't understand its beyond me. Go's is trying to teach you a valuable lesson. 

I hope you use my story to stay encouraged and confident that if God came through for this what most would term as undeserving villager (as if viewing me less will stop God from blessing me) He surely will deliver you not because you are more worthy but you have earned his trust. I am a not asking you to be happy for me either but don't allow my blessing take away from the truth that I am still the same old character with the same personality with a little bit more going her.

I didn't change, I just went from bread crumbs to highly favored that's the enchanting #RealityCheck


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