Tuesday 17 November 2020

You needed TIME to grow

I want you to do yourself this favor and go back to a point in life you felt the lowest. Not 2020 when the pandemic 😷 hit, ofcourse not. Don’t try and pull a fast one on me. Am talking way back when you were all alone, life actually felt lonely 😩. Are you there yet? Stay there

What brought about those mixed emotions and sorrow ☹️ ? Who did? Was it something they said , did or both? If it was Njeri yo, I plead the fifth 😶. Think of how seeing them made you envision yourself. Everything felt over. You are sad again aren’t you? Now go through your photos and look at the most recent picture of yourself alone. Zoom in on that selfie you took and quickly remind yourself how you felt taking it. Go back to the mixed emotions and visualize who or what was said and done about you. Admire yourself one last TIME

OMG 😆. Right? When did this recent you allow that old you take in garbage and less than smart remarks from people and situations like that? Now do you believe that “Good things take TIME?” You needed to go through that to get to where you are today. You needed TIME to grow.

What makes you assume, this is the end when what looked like the end wasn’t? Baibèé you have got a long way to go. Buckle up sweetheart. TIMES have changed and so have you. You are better than what they said and certainly smarter than what you allowed yourself to believe.If God didn’t leave you then, why would HE now especially after working thoroughly on you. What happened was wrong but HE had to make sure you kept your focus on forward motion. Would you have closed or left that chapter of your life on your own? Be honest? You should thank God.

Alot awaits. Incase you ever have doubts, remember all that, admire the crap out of yourself, be thankful, smile and read #MyMagazineThoughts because there is always something inspirational to keep you encouraged.

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