Friday 20 November 2020

Until you get up

But He himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and He requested for himself that He might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers. And as He lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat.1 Kings 19:4-5

We all have different assignments and this is what I want and hope you learn from this. Just because you are the best at what you do, doesn’t necessarily mean things will be easier. As a matter of fact, things will always get worse.God has a sense of humor. Elijah was done but God wasn’t through with him yet. He lay there to die but instead fell asleep. That is so funny. The angel woke him up to eat. How hilarious is that. At that particular moment Elijah wasn’t being a prophet but a man. A scared man. The devil is a liar because he has a way of making you forget who you are and insisting on showing you how down, alone and getting you in the victim position. More fear as you wallow in thoughts.

I have pulled an Elijah. God am done. I have done all I can do, please take back you gifts and let me be normal. For a while God silenced my gifts. Go read my blog. I thought they were the ones always landing me in unnecessary troubles and in a way, it’s true. I am who I am only because of my gifts. I am my gifts. It’s not something you put on or switch off. It’s who you are. People oppose what they don’t understand. They don’t dislike you because of what you own but they themselves are struggling to get where you are.

Until God is done with you like I wrote in my blog, get comfortable. Like Elijah He will wake you up and feed you because much more awaits. I said God is not done. Let that sink in. It’s okay to be yourself around God but that doesn’t take the gift away from you. Crying doesn’t mean you won’t smile or laugh again. Pain doesn’t mean you won’t embrace love again. You can be surrounded by bad situations but that doesn’t mean you are a bad person. Because of your positivity and how you view life differently that’s why you are placed there. The more you pour into it, the tougher it hardens you. Stop complaining why things aren’t adding up and start remembering who you are. The victories you have had. Quitting has never been your thing. Draw strength from what happened the last time you tried to quit.

What if God doesn’t send someone to encourage you? We serve a merciful God and He has His ways of speaking to all of us yet personalize each message. Even when things go from bad to worse they never get to the worst. If feels like it but it never gets there. God is everywhere. Help is on the way. Even when you are down, God is right there watching over you. We are human. You may be tired but God has enough strength for the two of you. You may be done and God will allow you to take some time off but He is not done with you.

I write all this because I have been there and being down is worse than being opposed. When you are down, you are your own worst enemy. The thoughts you tell yourself only worsen the situation. Staying down feels and seems easier than getting right back up. Until you get up.

From my experience, being down turns you from a worrier to warrior. God will send you exactly what you need to hear or see to get back up. One of two things happen when you are down. You will either kill your gifts or something in you will have to die. You are never the same.You will do things differently as you find your rhythm. When you find your beat, you create your song. It gets better from there. When you accept your gifts and know how to properly utilize them, you become a force to be reckoned with .

You may be down but not for long. Like I said help is always on the way. I hope you have had ample time reflecting and resting when down there because things are about to change the pace. These are not just #MyMagazineThoughts but a reminder of where I was when I finally changed.

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