Thursday 29 April 2021

Less is more

Last day of April. I know we all want to make headlines and buzz worthy changes but sometimes those “slow” and “hidden” wins matter more. You don’t need everyone celebrating you. You don’t even need to announce your presence especially in the middle of this storm.

This is the last day of April. I emphasize because I want to remind you of two things. April is over yet you are still here. The pandemic 😷 is loudly present with us, but we are still here. Things are moving and changing but despite it all, it’s not the last of you.

You being alive is an enough win. You being healthy is worthy of a celebration. You surviving this pandemic in all honesty is a headline on its own. I have become more appreciative of the proverbs and saying. We are constantly chasing more yet less is more. Let me expound.

The less you worry, the more clearly you see things. The more friends and crowds you attract, the less you have time for yourself and lose sight of what’s really important. The more frustrated you are, the less you learn. See even when you think you aren’t winning, you actually are. Then again, you can’t keep the same crowd and expect to grow. Where is the challenge and lessons in that? Tough times show you people’s true colors. No surprise there. It should be expected. It was about time if you ask me.

If people have turned their back on you so far, congratulations!!! I celebrate you. You have learned the less is more valuable lesson. You may have needed them then, but you don’t need them now. You think you do but you don’t. You will come to realize they have been feeding off you more than you initially thought. They liked what you had and not who you are. Some of these people allow me to use this harsh term but they are parasites in disguise. In Agriculture I appreciate the various stages in a cattle dip.

If you have been experiencing the same thing in different seasons, it could be the “dead weight” around you. You can’t be the problem because you keep coming up with these brilliant ideas but the same old people you have been dragging along could be costing you. Liabilities!!!

Njeri you are mean. 

I am not.I evaluate every situation from all angles.Five (5) minutes in looking deep into those eyes that lead to your soul tells me everything I need to know. I need to see the fight in you and not in you showing me but in me just looking at you. I will know

When you know who you are, you will not allow others to waste your time. Stop selling yourself short. The right people will show up. You can’t keep making forward movements by going back to get approval from the past. Thank them and move on #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Saturday 24 April 2021

We are living in rare times

Take as much time as you want but on those rare occasions, you might just come back and find people have moved on. Not because they weren’t loyal enough to wait, but something or someone better caught their attention and both of them where headed in the same direction.

Don’t get comfortable thinking you are irreplaceable. You have put in the work and no one can deny the continuous wins you pull game after game , project after project or relationship efforts and gestures time and again. Until someone with better skills and humility shows up.

We are living in rare times. Hopefully what you offer is good enough to earn you a permanent place in people lives or get you to where you are intended to be. Like I always say, it can’t be about you from January to December. Somewhere along the line, unless you are consistent, you will stop doing and bring IT for people. Not because they are jealous of your achievements but have you ever met different without even searching. Has it ever been presented to you and it changed your life in seconds. What you had was amazing until spectacular shows up.

It’s not about beauty or money but effort rubs off on you waking urges you never thought existed. When you are in sync with something or someone it changes your perspective altogether. You just know and it starts feeling right #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Thursday 22 April 2021

Refuse to give up on yourself

Life starts when you stop postponing what you want and could do now for later. Am purchasing this outfit for the perfect date, will not wear my favorite sneakers because it’s raining and will one day put myself out there. One has 24 hours and am about to utilize every single hour dedicating it to God, myself and others. 

Meditating on the word to enrich my faith, love the crap out of myself by doing whatever I want to do responsibly and respectively with humility, confidence, purpose, determination, passion and love. Take the time to check in and up on friends and family. Trying to put a smile on strangers faces by offering words of encouragement. Sometimes you can be so caught up and wrapped up in admiring others which isn’t wrong but let me ask you this, who is admiring you back? 

Be all about you this time. 

Be selfish and that same energy you use refreshing that page to see if there is a new post, get a picture of yourself and love on yourself like you have been paid to zoom in and stare in awe. Fuck am fine. You don’t know how empowering and empowered you become when you love everything about you

Refuse to give up on yourself. 

Go wear that dress or suit and walk around the house in it. You are sexy!Start prioritizing yourself for a change. Yes, you will lend a hand where you can but you will not sell your soul to try and please them either #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Sunday 18 April 2021

who you are is still alive

I don’t know about anyone else but I have had a Sarah moment. In the Bible in case you were wondering. Where you have allowed less than smart decisions by “doing what you think is right” which ends up being an issue because what you initially want took too long. That is a sermon

If you have never had to wait for something or anything in life, roll your eyes and walk away. Proceed with your fabulous life. I celebrate parents at this point in life because they are the only people who keep believing in you and your dreams years later when you have given up.

Now the Sarah part comes in when two years down the line or more you meet or someone happens to mention either your dream or what you want and you burst out laughing. It took way too long so now it’s a joke. It’s hilarious. Thinking about it is ridiculous. It’s old news.

Where are all the real people at? The ones who know what am blogging about. The I would care less if it happened. I went from excited, disappointed to not giving a damn. Don’t get me wrong, if it was offered to me I would take it but I wouldn’t dwell on it. I already got used. The if I have or don’t ever get it, am practically fine and okay with it. Society calls you stuck and stagnant but I call you and myself included the life hackers. You have learned how to survive so much so that you don’t make a move unless it’s important. You always think twice. I have been in the laughing stage where I would laugh at myself. Am such a dreamer. Who am I kidding? I have smack talked myself gone all in and hard but I always end up thinking and feeling as I did before. Giving in or up is not an option. It might take  more out of me. Still!!

No one can talk you out of dreaming. They can try to discourage it but as soon as you are all alone, baibèé here comes those dreams. Am not here to encourage you and tell you it gets better nor discourage you that it gets worse although it does, today allow me to just join you.

Wherever you are. Am here. Am not here for you but am here. By the door. Not worried nor concerned about you but am still here. You do what you want. Talk or laugh it out, listen, do what’s best for you. The only thing I will ask is this,”Do you still have those dreams?” If not, carry on. You found your way. But if you still get excited/sigh from those on and off dreams, you have a long way to go. 

You can lie and silence those voices in your head but who you are is still alive underneath all those stuck and stagnant years #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Monday 5 April 2021

True love is not easy.

You don’t have to be raised in a broken home for you to be broken. I was born in a loving family where I still watch my parents acting like horny teenagers. My dad tickling my mum and her threatening to beat his ass like senior citizens, what’s going on here folks? Still, I was broken. I don’t know anything about being an only child which I am not, but the more siblings you have the less the attention. Due to the age difference, they don’t quite understand what and why I would carry myself in a bothered way. So I stayed quiet and chose to rebel.

My parents are the best hands down. They did an impeccable job with the little they had. They provided anything and everything that they could afford but emotionally, I grew up empty. In a house full of people, I was lonely and so alone that I would cry myself to sleep.

That affected the way I would conduct myself in relationships. I would give others too much and less to myself. All that mattered was their happiness. I interpreted what I learned from my parents wrong because I was from a place of brokenness. It took me a while to unlearn what I taught myself and heal from that place of lack to now fully apply that to a complete me. Not everyone who is single is lonely I know that now because I am alone because I know what being inlove looks and feels like. I am inlove with myself and thanks to my folks, I know true love.

My parents are the real definition of the notebook. One cannot live without the other. The way they love each other feels like a soap opera. They not only have their own language, these ones have their own world. They balance each other out beautifully. If God can offer me a quarter of that with my soulmate, I can leave this life a happy fulfilled lady. 

True love is not easy. 

It’s a fucking job. 

It’s worth it in the end. 

That’s what I look forward to, that fucking job. It’s not going to be easy but if it’s true love #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

Thursday 1 April 2021

get to the bottom of it all

I am not asking you to look for the person who hurt or did you wrong and expect closure or for them to recognize their mistakes. This beautiful Good Friday, am asking you to have a silent moment and remember who you were before you got where you are right now. Right before it all, who were you? You have wasted time thinking, overthinking and dwelling in the hurt place for far too long. It’s time to heal yourself. It’s time to forgive not just them but yourself. You have been blocking your own blessings by comparing directly and indirectly any form of happiness that shows up in your life. Thoughts of not feeling good enough. Assuming everyone else deserves it but you don’t. No one was born to suffer and no one deserves misery as a reward of life. 

So this PASAKA (Easter) I pray you finally get to the bottom of it all. For you to release years of disappointments, discouragements, failures and most importantly pain. Your pain has been overwhelming and overshadowing your blessings, breakthroughs and miracles. It’s time to smile, laugh and love again. The view is better at the top. Trust me, I know. You have stayed down for so long. It shouldn’t have taken months leave alone years to finally walk away or figure you are more than your circumstances. I guess it was necessary but it all ends right here and right now. No more surviving on breadcrumbs when you can own the entire bakery. No more regrets. What is meant for you can’t have it’s place with anyone else. Who you are meant to become can only be delayed but can’t be stopped. 

You might be tempted to complain and say it’s taking way too long to get there or see results. Well and good. It means you will require so much patience and grace to not only get there but be in the present moment as well. It’s not just accomplishing, it’s about becoming the person who you were destined to be. You will learn and appreciate the process, value and price it costed you. It won’t just be a job, it will
be your passion and purpose. You can’t expect love of you walk around with hate in your words and actions. You have to learn how to speak to yourself the same way you address others. Stop speaking down on everyone around you because that same energy comes back to you worse.

If you want kindness show it. Mercy, offer it. Generosity, give it. Love, give it. There is so much to live for and life has way more to offer than what you tell, give and show yourself. Don’t waste the sacrifice Jesus made this PASAKA (Easter). There are things you need to bury and lay to rest. Leave them in the grave. You can’t control everything but you can choose the direction of your life from now henceforth. I don’t care and it doesn’t matter what you did yesterday, it’s all gone and never coming back again. What say you today? 

What are you willing to embrace today?

I wasn’t even planning on blogging. This is how refreshing God got me. It’s time to forgive. You can’t take back those spoken words but from my experience, you can speak over life over those already spoken words. It’s not the end and it’s never too late or over.

Where there is a will, there is always a way. This is the beginning of a new chapter. Start over with a clean slate. If they happen to remind you of your past, ask them to try and keep up with the new you if they can. It’s not your job to explain, it’s your job to live your life.

Let go of the guilt. What was done was done. End of story. If they try and rub in the hurt tell them Njeri said it was necessary but that’s not you anymore. You owe it to yourself to atleast try living a different and better life. So I say #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé