Thursday 29 April 2021

Less is more

Last day of April. I know we all want to make headlines and buzz worthy changes but sometimes those “slow” and “hidden” wins matter more. You don’t need everyone celebrating you. You don’t even need to announce your presence especially in the middle of this storm.

This is the last day of April. I emphasize because I want to remind you of two things. April is over yet you are still here. The pandemic 😷 is loudly present with us, but we are still here. Things are moving and changing but despite it all, it’s not the last of you.

You being alive is an enough win. You being healthy is worthy of a celebration. You surviving this pandemic in all honesty is a headline on its own. I have become more appreciative of the proverbs and saying. We are constantly chasing more yet less is more. Let me expound.

The less you worry, the more clearly you see things. The more friends and crowds you attract, the less you have time for yourself and lose sight of what’s really important. The more frustrated you are, the less you learn. See even when you think you aren’t winning, you actually are. Then again, you can’t keep the same crowd and expect to grow. Where is the challenge and lessons in that? Tough times show you people’s true colors. No surprise there. It should be expected. It was about time if you ask me.

If people have turned their back on you so far, congratulations!!! I celebrate you. You have learned the less is more valuable lesson. You may have needed them then, but you don’t need them now. You think you do but you don’t. You will come to realize they have been feeding off you more than you initially thought. They liked what you had and not who you are. Some of these people allow me to use this harsh term but they are parasites in disguise. In Agriculture I appreciate the various stages in a cattle dip.

If you have been experiencing the same thing in different seasons, it could be the “dead weight” around you. You can’t be the problem because you keep coming up with these brilliant ideas but the same old people you have been dragging along could be costing you. Liabilities!!!

Njeri you are mean. 

I am not.I evaluate every situation from all angles.Five (5) minutes in looking deep into those eyes that lead to your soul tells me everything I need to know. I need to see the fight in you and not in you showing me but in me just looking at you. I will know

When you know who you are, you will not allow others to waste your time. Stop selling yourself short. The right people will show up. You can’t keep making forward movements by going back to get approval from the past. Thank them and move on #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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