Sunday 18 April 2021

who you are is still alive

I don’t know about anyone else but I have had a Sarah moment. In the Bible in case you were wondering. Where you have allowed less than smart decisions by “doing what you think is right” which ends up being an issue because what you initially want took too long. That is a sermon

If you have never had to wait for something or anything in life, roll your eyes and walk away. Proceed with your fabulous life. I celebrate parents at this point in life because they are the only people who keep believing in you and your dreams years later when you have given up.

Now the Sarah part comes in when two years down the line or more you meet or someone happens to mention either your dream or what you want and you burst out laughing. It took way too long so now it’s a joke. It’s hilarious. Thinking about it is ridiculous. It’s old news.

Where are all the real people at? The ones who know what am blogging about. The I would care less if it happened. I went from excited, disappointed to not giving a damn. Don’t get me wrong, if it was offered to me I would take it but I wouldn’t dwell on it. I already got used. The if I have or don’t ever get it, am practically fine and okay with it. Society calls you stuck and stagnant but I call you and myself included the life hackers. You have learned how to survive so much so that you don’t make a move unless it’s important. You always think twice. I have been in the laughing stage where I would laugh at myself. Am such a dreamer. Who am I kidding? I have smack talked myself gone all in and hard but I always end up thinking and feeling as I did before. Giving in or up is not an option. It might take  more out of me. Still!!

No one can talk you out of dreaming. They can try to discourage it but as soon as you are all alone, baibèé here comes those dreams. Am not here to encourage you and tell you it gets better nor discourage you that it gets worse although it does, today allow me to just join you.

Wherever you are. Am here. Am not here for you but am here. By the door. Not worried nor concerned about you but am still here. You do what you want. Talk or laugh it out, listen, do what’s best for you. The only thing I will ask is this,”Do you still have those dreams?” If not, carry on. You found your way. But if you still get excited/sigh from those on and off dreams, you have a long way to go. 

You can lie and silence those voices in your head but who you are is still alive underneath all those stuck and stagnant years #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜 baibèé

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