Wednesday 24 December 2014

My undefined

He is not a good kisser because that would mean I have kissed a lot of men and that I would be comparing his perfect set of lips with those of other good men out there. He is my ultimate turn on. Reason being he is everything I never wanted nor expected in life. He simply blows my mind. It's like everytime I am with him , time has a way of sitting still. It allows us to just be us. He is neither shy not proud but rather what you would term as a modern man with an old soul.

What gets me about this mad man for indeed he is one mad man is his faith in God. Oh yes that man can "gerrit" . He doesn't even have to ask or beg for it, I would gladly offer myself as the ultimate gift to unwrap. I know ho ho ho *giggles*. 

He looks one thing yet is the complete opposite. He comes off as the rock as in the wrestler but in real sense he is the sweetest yet fragile man I have ever come across. When he is sentimental it comes off a trick to me but to be honest I love it when he is mad. Especially when I make him mad. It makes me desire him even more. 

Ladies ,don't just get with a good or bad man. Get one who gets you on your toes. That unpredictable man who leave s you brethly anticipating for next time if there is a next time.

I have to go now, see if I can get back into his good books. Wish me luck or I will spending Christmas kicking myself. He has to com around, damn it I will make him come around after all, like any other lady, I have my own unique charm of getting my way. Ain't that the ugly truth. Sorry gentlemen. 

Enjoy yourselves darlings. 

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