Tuesday 2 June 2015

My set of roses

You bring out the thorns in my flesh and all year long I want nothing but for you to plough my fields. Those were the kinds of novels I fed my mind back in the day. I guess that is why men never believed that I was shy leave alone naive. Not informed just not experienced.

This is a new month and to me June screams out a month of love and flowers. It makes you want to fall inlove not just for the sake of it but to really meet someone incredibly out of this world with an amazing personality, crazy sense of humor and humbling character. It's a lot to ask but deep down I know such men do exist. 

I want flowers for each passing day. I don't mind if they are lilies or roses just flowers to remind me that you are thinking of me with a note inside reading , " thank you for not holding back the madness and greatness in you". 

So this month I will be expecting a set of flowers & a custom made note entailing how I truly make you feel. In return I promise to do the same but instead of flowers I will get you socks with a note reading"they should keep you warm enough until I get home then I will take it from there "

That is my June reality check 

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