Monday 18 April 2016

22:48 April 2016

I don't understand women. I am one but at times I feel as though am a man. Some of the things women do out of insecurities leaves nothing to desire or admire about them. Single women want to be in relationships while as those fortunate enough to land a good man end up treating him like garbage. 

Why would a woman insist on going back to the very same place she couldn't stand? What men don't know is that the very same women they are dating are busy putting on a show trying to prove to the single women that they are missing out yet they end up hanging out at the very same joints they 'loathe'. Please make me understand.  Are you acting ungrateful,  mocking those who are not in your social status or is the villager in you finally getting the best of you so you can't help but go back to your roots?

Never apologise for being blessed. I know I won't.  Forgive me if I never go back or dress like I used to just to save the humility face.  There is nothing wrong with driving a Ferrari and owning multiple businesses. There are so many secret millionaires who still associate with people beneath them not because they want to be praised but because they have not allowed fame and money rob them of their true character and personality. I wish women took the same amount of time and money to invest in themselves inwardly as they please men outwardly. 

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