Monday 11 April 2016

My Monday Mix

I am just from reading an interesting article from a man's perspective.  His last remark was ladies there is nothing you are missing out on. It is true that we ladies love details. I happen to self crown myself as the ultimate mistress of every detail.  The reason why I am fixed on hearing anything and everything a man has been up to is not to secretly compete or feel better than what else is out there but I want to truly listen to what he is not telling me. Have you ever heard of its not what you are saying but rather how you are expressing yourself when saying it? That is all I ever need to know.

Men are known to fake words and sometimes conversation to save face but the one thing we all can't fake is our emotions. Ladies learn to stare that man deep into his eyes and slowly watch him calm down, get all nervous and look away. In my own opinion I believe men are terrified of women who pay attention. They don't know what to do with a good woman so they end up hurting the ones they truly love and act polite to those who don't care about them. The one lady who only calls him when every other letter in the alphabet has gone broke or silent on her. Forgive me for what am about to write but truly you deserve the title she has branded you... CLOWN. You sir are the laughing stalk of her girl circle. You are not the life of the party, no, you are just the coal to keep the shisha going.

What are you talking about? They love me! No sir, they tolerate the fact that you make life easier by showering them with money and occasional gifts and they in return communicate four times a month if you are lucky. By four times I mean every weekend and guess who is buying? You deserve it because deep down such men assume and ignore a perfectly good conversation with "a plain Jane" because to them these kind of women don't look or dress the part. They are not public figures. They may not rock six inch heels *they don't see the need to doll up* but they can get you laughing from morning till noon. Most of them don't club not because they are boring but don't see the need of "wasting money on other men and women who don't even like you to fit in".

So I have come to this conclusion.  The only reason why any man would frustrate a practically good lady is not because she is not enough , it is because he is insecure. Deep down he knows that if he was to introduce her to his friends they would date her. The more he spends time with her the more inspired and motivated he becomes. He is falling for her. That can't happen so the first chance he gets, he screw her over into thinking she has done something wrong. She is not the problem rather he is and being the silent kind, she let's him be and slowly starts to put up walls to keep any other man away. That is how a broken man drains a good woman emotionally without abusing her physically or verbally.  Silence in itself is an answer.

And that us my #RealityCheck. Goodnight checkmates. 

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