Wednesday 20 April 2016

Spousal heartbreak

It's amazing how a simple heartbreak can screw up your entire mindset.  From hugs and kisses to its just me and my liquor store blues.  It hurts more when you are the one giving more of yourself in terms of time, money and moral support.  You tell yourself and even manage to convince the entire world they need you and that life without you would be hard. Where are they now? So you see life does go on even without you or them in the picture.

We all look for that one reason to keep us going. For most women, they find comfort in their babies and men their careers.  As long as he has a job , earns a decent salary , plays his role as the supportive husband and father he is sure no matter what kind of hell he puts this woman through in his mind he knows she will never walk away. She needs him. That is his assurance card . His way of comforting himself that she loves him.

The relationship ended before it even began. The chemistry was short lived. Let's be honest ladies you stopped being attracted to this human being the day it dawned on you that it's too late to walk away. You are in too deep and by that I mean, you can't go back not after the show you have been putting on. Let's face it,  no one wants to purchase an old car with fresh paint on it. That is how most women beat themselves down infront of a mirror.  I am too old to be competing with young blood and let's not forget that no man or his family will accept a single mother.  So you stay. After all you are the mother of his children. He will never abandon them or you.  That is your way of defining it as a solid partnership.

Slowly both of you are dying. You are not even friends. You can't even get past a halo without arguing. It works though. The routine is your new normal. He compensates with expensive gifts while she acts like a teenager inlove to save face. Now that is what I call a spousal heartbreak.  You may not say it but as society, we can see it.

And that is my #RealityCheck.

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