Friday 8 April 2016

Thankful Friday

We so often go to God in prayer covered in tears and sorrow seeking comfort and breakthroughs.  So this day lets not forget to give thanks for the far God has brought us. We lost hope and faith but somehow down on our knees we felt renewed.

Dear God,
Thank you for taking me in when no one else did. Thank you for believing in me even when others laughed at my dreams. Thank you for having a plan and a future for me even when I look back and think, someone else should have taken my place. Thank you for blessing me even when I don't feel I deserve it. Thank you for your will because mine is nothing but a careless whisper of words. Thank you for loving me even though I grew up not being shown love. Thank you for protecting me even when I thought I could handle it on my own. Thank you for letting me live even when those around me died.Thank you for lifting me up when all I could cling on was a rock. Thank you for my health, health scares and healing. They drew me closer to you.

Thank you for the disappointments because then you are teaching me that I can rely on you. Thank you for being a perfect gentleman and always opening new doors for me. At times you spoil me too much. Thank you for being my source of inspiration through the bible  and life experiences. Thank you for those who left me when I was in the process of discovering who you have called me to be because honestly speaking they cannot handle any of the success you have granted me. Thank you for the delays because they have taught me to be patient and tolerate others like and worse than me.  Thank you for your sufficient grace. Thank you for favour.  Thank you for new mercies and mornings.

Thank you for being you and allowing me serve you and still be me. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for the far you have brought me. Thank you for then, now and right this minute. Thank you for allowing me to live this long and to finally understand and see WHY ME! You have excellent taste and you knew I had it in me all along. Thank you for the loss, heart breaks,  foolishness and self inflicted madness.  It was all to glorify you. Thank you for your angels and that there is a heaven. Thank you for the last minute show up just when people started talking and for the never ending miracles.  I have made mistakes but I myself am not a mistake.  You had me well planned out. I am the sperm that won *laughs*. That is why I never give up and am determined to win.  It's in my DNA.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

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