Monday 1 July 2019

Celebrating Gentlemen

Today am celebrating all the gentlemen out there who have had to make life changing mistakes but then came back to their senses somehow when the lady you loved walked out and your mother didn't quit praying and kept waiting at the door for the day you would come back home year in and out. It takes a strong man to pick up his brokenness and failure because clearly, you were worth the wait.

The man you are and becoming today is who am applauding.

Let's have a proud moment of silence.

Oh wow!!!!  *smiles*

It wasn't easy especially for you because  you thought you were making progress while deep down you were slowly killing everyone who loved you.God has your dreams in place and rewards awaiting . Now that you are home where you belong being the man He created you to be, know  that he will indeed shower you with yet another chance to bless you with true love , a fast forward and will give you all what the devil stole from you.

What took you so damn long?

Ops! It had to take a #RealityCheck huh!?  No worries.

Stay blessed our future lovers, husbands and fathers to the next generations.

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