Tuesday 23 July 2019


I will be sharing how #LetLoveHaveTheLastWord is slowly impacting my life. So many realizations as I self reflect. Starting from the beginning would mean not being in the very moment that very feeling made all my senses aware of what is slowly happening to me. It is amazing how someone else’s honesty hits home.

I am drawn to honesty whether it’s less or more of my expectations. Listen, that is your truth and I respect you for that. Does it make me view you less or more? Not at all. It is what it is and I like you for trusting me enough to open up.

Page 64 when he writes all of this because of one song. I currently have two songs on repeat. My favourite 2019. God I can’t get enough of them. Both songs got me very vulnerable. See in page 60 he writes ask yourself why you no longer believe in love. At the end of the answer , a face will appear in your mind. Back to real life please allow me to ask this,”why do you believe in love?” At the end of the answer, again, a face will appear in your mind.

I have been inlove and I am inlove with myself. I slowly feel that now where I am at in my life I am willing to allow myself be vulnerable with not only love but with others as well. Presented with a male version of myself yes, I could see myself settling down and taking on the rest of life with him. I usually don’t care but I do want to care. I have been selfless with myself and now I want to share that with everyone else.

Thank you Common for that #RealityCheck.

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