Friday 4 December 2020

Perhaps all you need is a thong

December darling,
My theme for 2020 was the year of the thong. All I wanted was a thong. My sexiness back. Actually the sexiest thing about me is not my confidence but my faith in God. I started praying naked before God. This is how sexy God got me 2020. I got to see myself how God sees me SEXY 🔥

Now that I know how dangerously beautiful God created me, I understood that not every man is worth me. You can’t serve two masters. You either please God and “upset others” or “please others” and upset God. Your choice.

It’s not just a thong, it symbolized anything I would wear going forth. I was born very confident and somehow being around afew wrong people made me question my God given strength and termed it as arrogance. Maybe if I toned it down, I would blend in. They would accept me.Now, I give people chances. I am open to understand but nevertheless not accommodate less than smart conversations unapologetically and it doesn’t make me a bad person. I am brave enough to ask for what I want without worrying if am asking for too much.I am equally humble enough to walk away from people who I have to explain myself to. 2020 made me realize that I have always had it, I just didn’t want to embrace it. And I have been ,with my words, actions and ambitions ever since  my birthday. Who knew?

All I needed 2020 was to be honest with myself. I freed myself from what should, would and could have been. I started focusing on the possibility of working with who, what and how I can improve myself. I admired, to I like and now I am obsessed with myself. I am fucking amazing.

You need to accept your sexiness. Maybe you don’t need another bank account or loan, you just need a new attitude but that has to come from you. Your insecurities always show when you are uncomfortable with yourself. Get comfortable with yourself. Perhaps all you need is a thong.

I know what you are thinking, damn Njeri we should be friends. Ask yourself this, are you ready for your soul to be set on fire? Or maybe you want to date me. Listen, is your heart ready to embrace madness at its best? You might just lose all sanity while trying to keep up.

At the end of this blog, I want you to get all fired up on yourself and start living life as if the year has just begun. I want you to fall madly inlove with yourself so much so that when others see you, they gravitate towards you. Indeed these are #MyMagazineThoughts

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