Wednesday 23 December 2020

Njeri, GO for what you want

Ask anyone who has gotten bad breaks over and over again how it feels to get a good break. It’s always a humbling moment and they never forget. It changes everything about them. I know this all too well because I am such a person. Bad breaks aren’t meant to harm you or turn you into somebody that you are not. Bad breaks sculpt your CHARACTER. That’s why even in the presence of good breaks you are still the same person only this time you have more.

Real quick, who are you with and without everything you own right now? Are you better or worse. Can you still be reliable? Would you still make time if you still had it all?

2020 was not a bad year, it just brought out a bad attitude in people who either hid behind other people or material things. See everything you need is not what surrounds you but it’s IN YOU. What you need is already inside you. You and I just needed that simple reminder. I have made more of an effort this year. I have been very intentional. I have found that in loving and accepting both my strengths and shortcomings I have made life easier for not only myself but those around me. Set yourself FREE from worrying or over expectations and live in the fucking moment. If you overthink it, hey, you might just go mad. I can still be godly and  still be a sexy fox. Always ask yourself this,”What else can I do?” Then and there you will have your answers.

Put yourself first. Listen, you can try and please the entire universe and people will still find fault in you. So, if you use that same determination to atleast like yourself, you will somehow understand your flaws and appreciate yourself. No one else needs to like you but YOU. They say it’s not how hard you fall but personally since I have been down there I say this. It’s what you find or discover when you are down there about yourself and others that determines how fast and strong you will not only get up but STAY UP. I can only speak from my experience so unless you WISH to learn the hard way, don’t learn from others mistakes. You will not only waste time but years. Again, I know what am talking about. Don’t ever take the people who “appear in your life” especially in tough times lightly.

This is very personal and special to me because I have had “angels” people who see greatness and let you be during those hard times. So if this year I have just “appeared” at the right time, it’s because you needed that as SO MUCH MORE AWAITS YOU. I need you to CARRY the good deed forward. If someone is kind to you, go out there and be kind to someone else. We are all lost yet we have so much to offer each other. Don’t be self centered to assume you were born to only receive and not give back. Oh really now? Please, NO! It’s not about the year or the pandemic rather it’s about you as an individual. How much as a human being have you grown? What impact have you had on someone’s life? We all had and still have equal opportunities, how are you utilizing your gift? Do you even like yourself?

I am not one to sugarcoat reality. That’s why you have dreams. You can still give yourself that and better. This is the time to bring down all those walls. A wise man told me this. There is a difference between protecting yourself and SHIELDING yourself. Let that wisdom sink in.

This year I have allowed myself to let in those emotions. I have lowered my guard a little (baby steps people baby steps). I have had two different men tell me the same thing. Njeri,GO for what you want. Angels everywhere. So ladies and gentlemen am going for #MyMagazineThoughts

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