Tuesday 29 December 2020

People can see and feel it when they meet you.

Am lying in bed fighting off this fear trying to creep up on me and then my mind has just reminded me of the old decade. You talk of having having a bad day, week, month, year but can you imagine having a bad life? Having a bad decade and previously being lost. Good Morning

The first time you meet me or I enter your life I always start off with this line, “am not like anyone you have ever met.”That alone should be enough to let you know there is a story to me. Nothing about me is a coincidence. Everything about me serves a purpose even my silliness. I wasn’t planning to blog as my mind was blank but then again like I said there is a reason why I act, react and enact anything and everything. Am assigned to specific people, times and moments. It’s never at their top (unfortunately) it’s always at their bottom.To me winning is the icing of the cake which you can live without. What matters are the ingredients. In you being moulded into a winner already makes you one, so it’s common sense to expect the win. I don’t even have the luxury to stick around and wait for the obvious.

Back to my story. Walk into any workshop you know. Take carpentry as an example. All you see at first is timber. It’s not beautiful to look at as compared to the finished product. It’s a process right? As soon as that carpenter is done, it becomes a masterpiece.My character has been tested and refined and my personality is impeccable. I can blend with those with and without. I respect soldiers because of the training and experience they have when it comes to survival. They can handle anything because of the acquired skills.That is how God has been with me. He has equipped me with everything I need to not only survive but help others. God is thorough, He doesn’t miss a detail. Your outside has no choice but to match your inside. Everything shows. People can see and feel it when they meet you.

It’s not me being optimistic about 2021 being a good year, it’s me assuring you because of the far God has brought me. Everyone had written me off including myself sometimes though deep down I knew because I always saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

All I ask is you have a little more faith in God. He is always up to something good. Even when I was down, He ensured I kept something up. Even in the midst of darkness, if you can still dream or hope, you will survive. God always show up. This too will be #MyMagazineThoughts

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