Wednesday 28 October 2015

All new

Let us be real there is nothing ever new, it is just another way of appoaching life. No one ever wants to leave a comfortable way of life just to venture into the unknown.  Ofcourse not that is not only suicidal but considered broad daylight madness.  So we all stick to what we are familiar to but what happens when that gets old and you find yourself with wondering eyes?

You might purchase a new dress but we all know it is to serve the same purpose. The only thing you can change that we are all aware is your opinion. If you can change and stick to the new norm then maybe we can say you got yourself a new attitude. It's only new if those around you are buying into whatever it is that you are "selling". 

I sometimes hate having to write because it almost feels as though am repeating myself. Yeah, I have read that before or didn't she just write that a while back? So I will stop myself before any of you rudely confirms that.

I don't want to have dates set because I always compromise later on. I am onto something and no it doesn't involve a man or woman.  It is just seeing how far I can go without having to worry about someone who is no longer in my life. Like I am the kind to worry from miles away even when we are not in talking terms with another human being. Am a strange species and I am trying my level best to let life unfold without having ulcers and uncalledfor wrinkles over caring. Yes, I care way too much. I am a work in progress ..........

And that is my #RealityCheck

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