Thursday 15 October 2015

Amazingly strange

It's amazing how God can use the least expect situation and person to get you to where you are supposed to be. When something is meant to be, God will make a way somehow for you first of all to be interested and for you to be there. 

Have you ever heard of all you have to do is wake up and breathe and I will take it from there, well that is what I am experiencing at the moment. I have got to admit God has me laughing and smiling. I should be mad and feel anything else but not what I am feeling. 

Have you even been faced with a situation that instead of questioning you just sit there like okay. It's not that am uncertain I inow what is about to happen but I don't want to admit it, not just yet. Am waiting to see how it unfolds. 

And that is my #RealityCheck

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