Saturday 24 October 2015

My Saturday 7pm

All around us, we find motivation if not reason to either stop take in the moment or walk on if not away no giving it a second look. Today, I choose to stop and  allow my mixed emotions and fear have the best of me. The more I zoom in back and forth, fast forward and rewind, I realize that I don't even need to read to ask questions. I am pretty good at that but like I confessed, tonight am all about what is being presented before my very own eyes. 

I have just realized that when on a farm the more you dig a hole the more you are likely to dig deeper and you will probably end up hollow like the hole you dug. While we are all under the illusion that the deeper you go the deeper the roots will go but that is not entirely true. Sometime all you need is to uncover the warm soil beaneath the surface and the nutrients are right there. So by digging deeper on one hand you are covering what you already need and you end up frustrated.  On the other hand you end up worn out and the seed in mind ends up being buried in unfertile soil. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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