Tuesday 13 October 2015

When you can no longer run

What happens when you come face to face with the one thing you have been running from? See my guess is, you can choose to look the other way or sit there and be silent. But what if it's in line with your destiny. Some of you have out grown you dreams because they took too long to become a reality. I get that but answer me this, were you given a time frame like the exact date it would happen and still didn't happen? So why are you still mad? 

Dreams are like prophesies. Some would even conclude and say you can not be prophesied unless at one point in your life  you dreamt about it. You know that thing deep down that you keep brushing off like please that would never happen and of all the people me? That is the one am talking about. 

You can run and even hide but you can't postpone timing. They say the timing has to be right sure but see your timing and its timing are two differ things. Tell me this, why is it that when you want to be in a relationship like no one absolutely and I mean no one even approaches you. But when you are determined to focus on your life what's left of it *we all think it* the proposals overwhelm you like an unseen tornado. 

There is no such thing as the perfect timing. When it happens it will happen all on its in. 

And that is my #RealityCheck 

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