Sunday 25 October 2015

Last weeks gift

The best gift a father can give his daughter is not buying her a new car or walking her down the aisle towards the man of her dreams but rather him giving her the key to unlocking life. 

I am talking about you know the way your parents are your second God so true by the way because last week I didn't have it in me to write or inspire anyone. I was just in my own female cave  where I was okay with the same old routine. 

My father is my biggest fan. He calls me his Sarakasi daughter and at times insists that am the son he always wanted through his actions. He already has three so why would he need a fourth one? In the eyes of my father am a jack of all traits. There is nothing his little girl can't do. She is his lawyer, his chef when mum  is having a lioness moment you know that not now and everyone lets her be *hahahahaha* sorry mummy! 

Most of all he tells everyone of how am a visonary and how they should listen to what I always say. I am sorry I had to take a moment to compose myself. The little things to me are the ones that matter. He believes in me so much that at times I wonder what he sees the future holds for his little girl. 

My father brings out the dreamer in me. He laughs whenever I share my unrealistic make belief but he never brings me down. He may laugh but he listens and always ends up saying Amen it will come to pass. That humbles me. 

It's like he knew I was having a slow day so he went grabbed his bible and gave me a word and insisted that if God did that for one of his servants who prayed earnestly he will do the same for me. And so at first I say there and thought yeah yeah yeah, same old dad trying to encourage me but then it hit me. I don't believe in coincidences so this must have a deeper meaning. Long story short, what I have been praying for almost one year changed with a simple dad given word and today my prayer was answered. 

It's silly to everyone else but God knows that my silly is what gets me on my knees. It's a gift passed on to me by my best friend and now I hope that person gets to enjoy it as much I always do everytime I do it. It is a blind devotion 

And that is my #RealityCheck

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