Tuesday 4 August 2020

Am torn and confused

How amazing is our God though. Even when you are having a crappy day, His love still shines on. I thank God that He is not man. He is so selfless that it humbled me this beautiful morning. I serve a godly God who is such a loving father and perfect gentleman. God is not man to be petty or be dismissive. Do you know what it takes to control the entire universe? God. We are all His. He loves us equally. Whether you have more or less, we are all equal in His eyes. God doesn’t have leave days. He is constantly working

Even with this pandemic He has ensured there is day and night. His blessings have been unconditional. He hasn’t abandoned us even when we have fallen short His mercies have embraced our doubts. We serve a fearless God. He owns the world. He makes time for you and me. So when I am having a gloomy day, I always remind myself of his faithfulness. His love . His patience with me. His promises to me. He doesn’t owe me anything but yet He is always my strength and shield. That’s when I acknowledge His presence more. In silence, He is the loudest

When things don’t look up, learn to look up. Literally. That’s where your help comes from. When you feel defeated, that’s when He shows up and shows off. He has sufficient grace and enough angels to watch over us. Weeping may endure for the night but Joy comes in the morning.

Each morning wake up grateful and thankful even when all you want to do is throw in the towel. Talk to God. Be honest with your feelings. Like you know what God today I don’t feel I have it in me to fight. Am exhausted. I gave it my all yet still am disappointed. I need you more today than I did yesterday. I don’t have fancy scriptures to appease you. Ama kneel here and allow my heart speak on my behalf. I am better & stronger than this but today is a little harder. Speak on my behalf. Where do I go from here. Am torn and confused.

When you find enough strength to leave the house, when you look around you and have anything just something to be thankful for, when you can find the courage to whisper a thank you in the midst of your troubled thoughts, that’s when you realize why you are who you are.

It starts making sense. The reason you have held on to your truth. The reason why God and you have this father son or father daughter relationship going. Why He has brought you this far. Why He gives you just enough to keep you going. Why He is God over your life. You start seeing things His way and not your willful ways. Then He can entrust you with more. He is equipping you for what lies ahead. You can’t pack and leave when faced with difficulty. He is molding you for the very same thing you have been praying for. He loves you that much more to not fuck it up. If you serve a might God why do you expect cute results? You must represent Him well and cute is not what He has in mind. You are beautiful or handsome but He needs warriors not worriers.

Remember that always #MyMagazineThoughts

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