Saturday 8 August 2020


On Saturday’s I blog. Not that I want to but I have to. Do you ever have those moments where you have this feeling that someone is supposed to communicate but they don’t. I spend most of my time on Google trying to figure out some of these random thoughts I get. Those moments where it feels strange but clear. Am still in bed waiting for it to be a good morning. Being a lady sometimes sucks. I am trying to figure out how to wake up and prepare breakfast. This would all be different if I was dating.

After a night of heated passion and total satisfaction ofcourse my soulmate would be delighted to serve me breakfast in bed. Am talking about bringing his entire being to life the previous night so much so this morning he would offer me options in my breakfast. I like options. Then would come the awkward part. So, when are you leaving my house? He wouldn’t definitely say it but am sure he would feel it to a point he would kinda show it with his eyes. That would be the end of our relationship. Am weird. Let me explain

Am not the clingy type so I expect him to be aggressively possessive. There are two types of ladies. One who invites herself over to your house and now me, the unless he invites or is somehow sick, I will never show up. Even when he invites me over, i will never show up but knowing I have an open invitation excites me. Unless he comes and gets me, again i will not show up. Am sturbborn like that. Anything that requires my presence is of uttermost importance. If I avoid business meetings and these are sources of making me money, you think I will show up to a random residential for a “good time?” Are you demented? What? Wrong lady sir. Am not available and ever will be.

Am not a car yard where you will depreciate my value making it hard for the next man. The day I will show up in my soulmates house, he will have checked right everything on my list. Boy do I have a long list. I call it the list of possibilities. Everything he is can I match up?

Am intentionally celibate. Don’t ever get it twisted. I could be sexually active but am not. I don’t want a basic relationship with basic benefits. Where is the fun in that. I am saving myself for my soulmate. Listen, am talking about a man .....With just his presence my entire body shivers in excitement. Him being alive is sexy. He is so good it makes me wannabe so bad but just enough for him to notice. He doesn’t need to say much as his eyes already got me weak and running to him. MERCY!!! A type of intimacy which makes everyone uncomfortable. A type of love which only God can use to restore humanity to mankind. Such purity and intensity. An exchange of mental, spiritual and emotional bond which can only be explained by onlookers. Being lost in each other’s minds and words it’s draining yet refreshing. It’s bonkers yet makes perfect sense. A telepathy, a once in a lifetime love. We haven’t met yet we feel familiar and fond of each other. Our bodies don’t know each other yet our minds have explored one another’s soul. It’s not about sex. Our level of love making will only be explained as a bestseller novel. It’s that’s healing. That will be the overall gift to each other.

I already have a speech prepared to thank everyone in his life who have held him down. From God, to his family and his exes. Thank you. Thank you all. You have played your part tremendously. I thank you all.

So, is there such a man? Yes. Does he exist in real life? Yes. Have I met him? Yes. Am I still single? But Ofcourse 💯. Am I still celibate? Happily because I know good things come to those who wait. Do I like him? Yes. Enough questions as these are #MyMagazineThoughts

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