Thursday 6 August 2020

Who asked you?

Gentlemen, let’s have a very open and honest talk. There is a gentleman who has made my day with his bravery. When you say hi to me and immediately ask for my number, that is bold. I like that. I have even told him outright.

Gentlemen, when you tell a lady you like what you see I honestly don’t know what response you expect. Personally, especially if am not attracted to you, am sure the conversation that follows next, I will take it south. I will never lead anyone on if am not interested. I  believe in being respectful so if you offer me a compliment which I can’t offer back, I will humbly stay quiet in the hope of you will read inbetween the line. But if I happen to laugh and accompany it with am honest opinion like you are shameless, take a hike.

I know some people are using the pandemic as an excuse to misbehave. Times are hard but not that hard to endorse desperation. It’s a new decade and not the end of the world. Make smart decisions. If you want to show off, please make sure the person you are out to impress buys whatever bullshit you are selling. The materialistic talk is one I avoid. When he told me he was just from parking his car, my mind went in on him. Who asked you? Parking at a free zone?

See giving you my number is not a big deal but starting a conversation is. I could already tell he is the kind to talk a good game but in actual sense you don’t even know how the game is played in the first place. Things got worse from there. When mr. Wannabe called, minutes later he ran out of airtime. What a joke!!! It’s when he called back and insisted that I would be calling him soon which led me to blog. If I ever call you man or woman, you must have my undivided attention otherwise

I can be very immature but am more impressed by maturity. Be yourself and hopefully someone will appreciate you. Meantime, we are not teenagers so let’s cut to the chase. I like, good, if not I keep it moving. It’s still a beautiful desiring day ahead #MyMagazineThoughts

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