Tuesday 11 August 2020

I didn't walk away

There is something I was supposed to tweet on but I forgot. I felt it so strong but I didn’t know how to go about it so I ignored it. I shouldn’t have done that. Now I have a second chance to blog on something personal yet motivational. Are you ready? Read on 👇🏾

The most hurtful thing then when someone I considered a friend said this to me. You remind me of nene. Why? I asked. She is so loud and ghetto. *spear to my chest* fast forward to today. I don’t know about anyone else but have you ever viewed a certain situation differently. Have you even seen someone who reminds you of a “I have been here before” moment. That nasty taste that makes you forget for a quick second of how far you have come to not be who you used to be? You find yourself angry then all of a sudden quiet. Then your mind goes blank.

Now that am calm and have regained my uniqueness, I can do what am good at. Turn that bull into shit. It’s a good thing. Let’s address the negative remark from my less than smart former friend. I would like to thank her. Genuinely say thank you even when I can’t stand her. Thanks.

Am from the village and proud of it. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I mean if am a byproduct of ghetto and God has made someone out of me, there is something there. That keeps me grounded from allowing the immediate go to my head. I see it as a gift of humility.

Everytime am in doubt I always listen to what people say about me. Correct me if am wrong but isn’t nene married to a billionaire. So you see that in me? That’s how you see me yet I had it all wrong? You see a man of substance putting a ring on this? Girlllllll

The I have been here before scares me as I know how it ends. I stand to lose. Or do I? Is it recalling losing when God offers you better? That’s why something calmed me down. That was winning whispering only this time I listened. I didn’t walk away.

How can the odds be against me when I have been prepared and equipped with exposure for years? Shame on you fear. Shame on you for trying to scare me away when am ready for this moment. If it weren’t for it all, I wouldn’t share #MyMagazineThoughts

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