Wednesday 12 August 2020


We don’t serve a God who recycles . We serve a God of order. That’s why things are messy & seem out of place. This is a new decade thus new strategies. New platforms, new faces , new ideas, new perspectives. The one thing that is constant is NEW #SundaySermon

Don’t be stuck in and on the old & miss out on new opportunities. You can’t rely on what used to work before to a new unknown. This is the new reality. That old season is over. Stop holding on to closed doors when there is an open door open in front of you.

You can’t recognize the open door as it’s NEW. Don’t approach it with old ways. Those days of staying comfortable are over. You are not doing anything wrong but you are meant to move but you won’t unless your old routine fails #SundaySermon

Don’t be hard on yourself as you are doing the best you can. You thought what you had was the best? Wait until you get the hang of the NEW. The more you resist the harder it’s going to get. Think of the possibility NEW brings with it. NEW beginning. A fresh start #SundaySermon

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