Monday 4 January 2021

#LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜baibèé

I had someone give me some sound advice this morning. I keep dreaming with someone I used to fancy and no longer care about. He told me to pray for them. Listen, I almost blocked that conversation out until he made me understand why. Being the bigger person especially in prayer shows character. Not cursing them out but politely asking God to remove them from your dreams and grant them peace in my opinion is the true definition of wisdom and growth. It does more for you than it does for them. 

Let me give you a practical example. This is a new year. We all have new expectations. You can’t receive the NEW if you have no space or rather haven’t created room from the OLD. In my dreams this person is always showing up and am the one who keeps walking away wishing them well. But the minute I wake up, am in a bad mood. Frustrated

God has His ways. I was doing the right thing in these dreams but in real life I wasn’t speaking that FREEDOM. It’s not like they are holding me back but as a normal human you would understand my agitation. Let me ask you this, if you were asked to pray for someone who hurt you,would you? Am not a very nice Christian. If you wish bad things upon my life, rest assured am out here celebrating your down falls. Njeri!? I have my shortcomings but this is not one of it. It only makes me human. So I had to choose pray or not to? It didn’t cost me anything.

I am not doing it for them, for all I know they could be out there living life LARGE ofcourse am being sarcastic but I had to do it for myself. That’s the easiest thing and pray I have ever said in my entire life. When you care, it should still be hard and hurt but it doesn’t.

Happy NEW Year

If anything or anyone brings bad energy your way, just whisper a polite prayer and be your authentic self unapologetically. Don’t ever beat anyone who is down. Only cowards do that. Let’s impact lives better than we found them. Trust me, it will pay off later on.

This year I want us to bring back what many assume is overrated. Love. True love. Don’t just be with someone for the sake of changing your status. Fall deeply, madly and insanely inlove. Let’s RESTORE faith in the non believers of love and everything it brings with it.

I say let’s fall inlove. Let’s love baibèé as if you have never loved before or the person before them never took full power to hurt you. Get that power back. Don’t just love yourself this time, fall inlove with someone else. Love hard #LetsFallInLove Let’s 💜baibèé

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